A tracking generator on a spec analyser is in step with the sweep on the spec. analysers display. So if you have a change of frequency in the device you are testing you won' t see any output. i.e. AM receiver under test, Fin = 1MHZ +- 100 KHZ to check the IF tuning. If you hook the spec. analysers up to the final IF transformer, this is tuned to 465 KHZ, so no output!
If you replaced the spec analyser with a CRO, you would get a display of an RF envelope whose shape was of the IF pass band, or if you used a detector you would get the conventional pass band shape. So it would work , the problem is that there will be no frequency markers so you can't calibrate your display.
If you now use a sweeper with a scope, then you can normally switch in marker pips to calibrate your frequency display.