thank you,
I presented the same circuit initially (without base to collector resistor), but it was discarded at the spot. Voltage required at gate should be 12-15 V. What i have been told is that circuit will give base voltage at NPN (which will be at the max 5v) from microcontroller minus 0.7V at base emitter junction. so the the maximum voltage wud be 4.3V. Which is not acceptable. That's why have to look for an alternate arrangements. please tell me, when PNP transistor is turned ON, by supplying 0v at the base, and emitter at 15V, will we get all the voltage (minus junction drop) i.e at least 14V at the collector?If it is then i can attach base of NPN transistor in totem pole configuration to collector of another PNP transistor and operate that PNP transistor with another NPN transistor operating through micro controller. similarly collector of first PNP transistor attached to base of lower PNP transistor of totem pole configuration.