TOPswitch-HX cannot be Voltage Mode?

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Advanced Member level 6
Jun 13, 2021
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Power integrations say that their TOPswitch-HX Flyback controller is voltage mode.
However, in their App Note, AN57, they give, on page 11, the Power Stage/Modulator transfer function for it.
This equation does not account for the ramp in the TOPswitch.
Therefore, TOPswitch cannot be a voltage mode you agree?

AN57 is in top post of this...

This microsemi app note, on page 8, shows the Power stage and modulator transfer function for a voltage mode flyback (ok they give it for buckboost, but it is a derivative)

...As you can see, it contains the ramp parameter, which power integrations do not give in AN57....therefore, TOPswitch cannot be in voltage mode, do you agree?
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...Aaaaagh...further in-looking shows that the equations contain a factor "KTOP", which is 0.2/mA, and referes to the change in duty cycle with error current...this , in effect, pertains to the RAMP of interest i would have after all, it is in Voltage Mode.
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...Actually, this post sheds some light on trying to demystify why the AN57 feedback loop equations give an unusual set of bode plots...

...also, as to the use of a type 2 compensator to stabilise a voltage mode controller (TOPswitchO)....and there is no stipulation that the crossover frequency is far from the output stage LC resonance.
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...if you stabilise a Voltage Mode controller with a type 2 compensator, then its pretty important that you apply constarints to the level of the crossover frequency...but AN57 says nothing of this......there is also the strange statement that the resonance frequency of the "effective sec inductance" with the output cap must be >500Hz.....this ends up giving you a hard limit on your choice of max output capacitance.
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