Tool that generates layout from Spice netlist or Verilog code

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Dec 13, 2004
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i m new to cmos design and i have a project about implementation F=a'cb+ab'c+abc' function.
do you know any tool that generates layout from spice netlist or verilog code? thanks alot.

converting xilinx verilog code to layout


One answer to you is here:

1. h**p://
2. h**p://
3. h**p://

* -> t


free layout tools + linux

I think that Microwind generates SPICE netlists from layout, not generates layout from SPICE netlists.
I'm very paying attention to generate layout from Verilog, I am finding that tools. But, you must convert Verilog to netlist (EDIF), then using layout to place and route

open source verilog conversion spice

if you have access to comercial tools such as synopsys, you can use synopsys design compiler to synthesize your equation into netlist and then read it into synopsys Astro layout tool and do a quich place and route. For simple designs you don't need to worry about clocks and signal integrity. nothing can go wrong. you also can use cadence ic5 environment to do the same. if this equation is all of your design, then, i suggest youcreate the netlist by hand using gates from your favorite vendor library and use a free layout tools such as ledit to draw the gates into layout.

soc encouter verilog to layout

u can try L-edit if work on pc

verilog to layout using microwind

I think Xilinx ISE can do your job.

layout in verilog

I dont know why you want to generate a layout from spice netlist. The normal
design flow for an analog design or for a full custom design should be roughly
as follows:

1) design the logic/circuit for your project.

1) draw the layout, using Candence tool or other comercial tools, or even
free layout tools (you may seach them on-line for your simple project!).

2) extract spice netlist from your layout, and do some analysis.

3) sign-off your design if satisfied, return to step 1 or 2 accordingly if not.

que es layout en verilog

use Cadence SoC Encounter tool to generate layout from the verilog code.
for detail go through the user guide and for synthesis use PKS tool which is inbuilt in Encounter, because encounter will not take directly verilog code, first synthesis the code then give it to encounter.


generate layout from verilog

There are many tools for synthesis.
But I do not understand why analog designer need them?
If you can't read or design schematic directly, how can you
be a analog desinger?

from verilog to board layout

i think that sysnopsys' physical compiler can do it for you. the layout of configured macrocells can seen on xilinx ISE.

cadence logic generation layout -jobs

better solution is to for xilinx ise you can get it evaluation version from web.

with regards,

drawing layout full adder in ledit

some linux tools....(could not able to test them) running win32

**broken link removed**


octtools by UCB

ptolemyII by ucb

might be useful for your logic synthesis problems

(if any body using these software share your experiance)

is there exist any other open source solutions to this problem!!!!!!!!!!!

In addition GNU Electric 7 (C version), contain silicon compiler -- converts
vhdl to layout


Go to the below link and register urself to download "Libero"

**broken link removed**

User friendly software. If u have a verilog code, it will easily convert into layout using their menus.

Jus study the user manual and try urself.


cadence encounter generate layout from synthesis

...Using the standard layout cell to set up your project may be a good approach since it's too simple to implement.

Re: verilog to layout?

i remeber cadence has a tool can generate layout

Re: verilog to layout?

This looks like a homework exercise. Why do you need to have some layout? What technology are you targetting? Is this supposed to be an exercise in synthesis, hand layout of standard cells, transistor sizing, or what?

Maybe you need to examine what the learning objectives are here. Such a small example certainly won't teach you how normal digital design flows in the real world work.

verilog to layout?

xilinx ISE or altera max-plus

Re: verilog to layout?

The basic EDA design flow from any EDA or modern ASIC books can tell you the method.

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