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Toner Cartridges: It is better to Dispose of or Remanufacture

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Newbie level 1
Feb 16, 2011
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If there are a number of advantages attached with toner cartridges, there are some hazards also have to face in some situations. It would prudent to treat used cartridges in an effective way.

In fact, most of the printer toner cartridges hold injurious elements. Printer toner cartridges cause a huge hazard to plant and animal existence If not disposed of appropriately. A lot of consumers make use of devices and disregard them immediately they live longer than their utility. Generally, as soon as printer supplies are over and done with, they are chucked out. The printer toner cartridges are contained the plastics is such a materials that can be used sound and improve the protection of the environment. One will be required to make sure that the container is entirely utilized and is unfilled.

You have to take out the toner or the ink cartridge from the printer to discard printer toner cartridges. This would make easy the procedure of removal. Printer fixes of printing supplies make it effortless to set up the usefulness of printer toner cartridges. When the cartridges are purchased from genuine sellers, there must be protection standards that are associated with the manuals. Usually, information on how to get rid of unfilled printer toner cartridges successfully plus conducts of recycling is with this purchase of the printer.

Removal of printer toner cartridges in a suitable manner would be a diffident move for a fresh and protected environment. A user would throw out unfilled printer toner cartridges by running them out to agencies and administrations that deal with accumulations and removal. In case of maintenance, it is suitable to get in touch with stores staffs who deal in deliverance of printer toner cartridges. Frequently, a user is suggested what to do with the used toner cartridges. Toner cartridges from some popular companies can be disposed of in green buckets or trash box because they are not injurious. Most of the producers have fastidious strategies that are being inaugurated how to reprocess old printer toner cartridges and used electronics.

For the users who desire to reprocess toner cartridges, there are course of action that look upon assurance and directions on which stuff can be recycled. Any refilled cartridge would be required to pass a worth examination earlier than it is recycled. Most excellent printing materials are frequently suggested for use by the users just because they have been subjugated to touchstones that make them environment affable. The same is true about printer toner cartridges. It is shrewd to start up the printers previous to removing the cartridges, once it is removed from the printer, it would be secure to turn off the printer.

Knowing how to discard printer toner cartridges is equally useful to populace and the surroundings. Reprocessed printer toner cartridges are also indispensable in manufacturing other products by utilizing the same material. The external casing can be utilized for something advantageous if the ink is no more in it.

hmmm... Curious use of english too brian. Reads like a computer translation.

But it does prompt me to ask a question.
If I remember rightly there are two types of toner that are
not compatible.

I have an old cannon copier here with a number of unused cartriges
and a desktop laser. (OKI)

I'm just wondering if there is a way to find out if the toners are
interchangable so I can refill my printer with the copier toner?

Anyone know?


To be honest, I'm not sure. I used to have an ancient photo-copier that needed special toner and I asked the manufacturer what distinguished it from cheaper 'generic' stuff. They replied in quite technical terms about the chemistry involved but basically it read as "we use a negative charge on the drum, other people use positive" so there are at least two types in use. I would *guess* that if the polarity on the drum and corona wire matched the toner type, any would work. The fuser (aka. fixer or heated rollers) run at about the same temperature on all machines so once the toner has been deposited on the paper it should stay put whatever the toner type.
You could try something: I don't recommend you use a voltmeter to measure the corona wire voltage but if you hold a neon lamp near to it but not touching it, one electrode inside the lamp should glow. If you repeat on the other machine and the same electrode glows, it will be the same polarity. If one of the machines has a toner unit you normally change out when empty I suppose you have nothing to lose by trying it. At worst, you have lost an empty toner unit.

Regarding the first post, beneath it and embedded in it is a link to a web site selling toner cartridges. My guess is "marktaylor" is the named retailer.


@ marktaylor....Rather advertising your bussiness and getting warnings here, you can guide members about how to refill toner cartridges at home in a hygenic way. Start a DIY thread in "Show DIY" section about the detailed proceidure with photos or videos.

To be honest, I'm not sure. I used to have an ancient photo-copier that needed special toner and I asked the manufacturer what distinguished it from cheaper 'generic' stuff. They replied in quite technical terms about the chemistry involved but basically it read as "we use a negative charge on the drum, other people use positive" so there are at least two types in use.

Thanks Brian.

Yes that was pretty much what I thought.
On the other hand I could always just fill the thing - switch on and stand back.
Since the price of a refill is higher than the price of replacing the printer thats
probably easier (so much for free markets - consumable prices are so absurdly out of hand.)

I had to replace the transfer wire when I bought the copier (second hand)
Incredibly expensive stuff. Cannon were very helpful and sent me a small roll
free of charge though. That was nice of them I thought.


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