[51] To operate TRIAC using 8051 Microcontroller

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Newbie level 4
Jun 9, 2014
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I want to operate the Bt136 Triac using 8051 Microcontroller but I am not getting any output . May be i am not getting proper firing angle or anything else. Please help me with circuit and code if anyone has operated TRIAC .


for operating triac you need zerocrosing detection circuit connected to your interrupt pin and moc3021 driving circuit on out put pin of 8051

Dear nikhilt,

That i know and i tried but its not working . So i need circuit diagram and C programming for its working.

Okay .. thanks ..
Please provide the detail.

Actually i am not getting any output from microcontroller. May be , the phase angle for firing the TRIAC is not proper or any other reason.

Hi Nikhilt ,

I am waiting for the solution . please provide the circuit and programming.

If anyone else has worked on TRIAC than please guide to operate it.


do one thing first test hardware just give a 5v i/p to moc i/p pin through 1k resistor that time your out put load should be
on if it is working then you just writ e program to detect zero crossing that is set an interrupt on high to low level trigger
and make MCU out put pin to moc zero inside interrupt routine and make high the same pin in your main program then your load should be toggle on each 10msec

- - - Updated - - -

once these happen jump to next step of dimming

is MOC is needed for operating TRIAC?

without MOC i have supplied 5V to gate using resistor and the bulb gets blink and turns OFF.

what to do?

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