according to my calculation P = 400 watts , V = 48 Vdc , I = 8.33 Amp. mpp of two solar panel is exist at 76% of the VOC. that is Vmpp = 72.9 mpp
for 48Vout at this Vmpp the D = 48/73 = 66%. the converter require stable 73 Vdc at the input in loaded condition. each panel is rated for 13 ampere at short circuit current. that's why i'm thinking that two 550 watts solar panel in series that has total of 1100 watts power is sufficient for driving this water pump. the ferrite toroid ring has an
outer D = 40mm , iner D = 23mm and H = 11mm.
Number of turns is = 11Turns (swg 22 x 6).
Fsw of the converter = 45KHz and
unloaded Duty-cycle = 62%.
here i don't know how much current the motor is driving during starting while the motor is rated for 8.5Amp in loaded condition.
i didn't have further knowledge to solve the problem.