I have been working with transmtter modules that have been working quite well I want to try using them for a under water project. is there any thing that I will need to look at or is it proetty much the same as air transmissions?
Is this radio or sonar? If radio, you will have trouble with the water because the dielectric constant is 81 which reduces the wavelength by 9 times. You will get severe attenuation for long distances or if you want to go from the water to air. Salt water is very conductive and you require kW to MW transmitters with low bit rates (under 1 bit/second).
Why working with radio transmitters when u can use ultrasonic modules which work pretty well in water? Unless of course your application specifically requires radio transmitter. Otherwise a combination of both technologies is also feasible
916MHz. I am open to using any thing, the reason I ant to use the transmitters is cause I already use them for a product my comapny makes. so it would be easy. I dont care if the distance is reduces I only need at most 10 feet its for a scuba diving project.
Why working with radio transmitters when u can use ultrasonic modules which work pretty well in water? Unless of course your application specifically requires radio transmitter. Otherwise a combination of both technologies is also feasible
I don't think that you'll have good link quality at 900MHz. If you need radio communication try frequencies in KW bands as 27MHz or lower. Using ultrasonic seems to me a good idea.
High frequency ultrasonic communication in water has very very bad effects on habitat. Fiberoptics, yes they're expensive but how much is earth? For clear world what will you spend? Try low frequency ultrasonic or fiberoptic communication.