battery charger IC has a timer feature on the TE pin. From the flowchart, I can see that the timer feature is only enabled when the battery charger IC is in the fast charge mode or the CC mode.
When the battery charger mode transitions to CV mode, then the timer feature is over. Am I correct?
What confuses me is section
3.14 Timer enable on page 19.
It says that the timer will be enabled when the TE pin is low, so this is an input pin to activate the timer.
- What would happen if the timer pin is pulled low during the CV charging phase of the battery?
- I am unable to understand what the datasheet is implying saying, "The TE signal asserted low will stop the timer but not reset it. The timer can be reset by cycling the CE pin."
In the first few lines, it says that when TE is pulled low, the timer will start. The above quoted line says that when TE is asserted low, the timer will stop. Conflicting isn't it?