Advanced Member level 4

How can i time synchronize my all nodes in a wireless sensor network.By time synchronization i mean that if i want to use TDMA scheme then all nodes must have some timing reference.Also i want to use the sleep mode to save power such that every node will be in sleep mode untill its specified time slot in TDMA scheme arrives then that node will wake up send its data and will again go to sleep mode.
Now to avoid collisions (i.e no two nodes sending data at same time)i must have to time synchronize my all nodes
Any suggestions how can i do this.
NOTE:The hardware i m using is PIC18f452 as processing unit , TXM-418-LR(RF transmitter) , RXM-418-LR(RF receiver).By combining the transmiitter and receiver through a SPDT RF switch i have got a half duplex RF tranceiver.
Now to avoid collisions (i.e no two nodes sending data at same time)i must have to time synchronize my all nodes
Any suggestions how can i do this.
NOTE:The hardware i m using is PIC18f452 as processing unit , TXM-418-LR(RF transmitter) , RXM-418-LR(RF receiver).By combining the transmiitter and receiver through a SPDT RF switch i have got a half duplex RF tranceiver.