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Target of a project was to made power supply rectifier 12V 16 A that could charge large lead akumulators, without releasing more heat than heat need for charge. Device is so universal that you can use it to steering the welder machine etc. Current depend of transformer's power, thyristors and rectifying diode.
A lot of elements I already had:
- hughe transformer 380/24V 20A ( that after plug to 230V can give 18,5V at output),
- 2 thyristors 50A 1200V
- 3 diodes 40A 300V
- 2 big radiotors
- pc cooler
- ammeter voltimeter
- 25 A fuse
Steering system is powered from the same winding as accumulator. Q1 transistor is a detector switch through zero and it steer monostable trigger U1B which duty is to generate an impulse with long that can be adjust by potentiometer P1. And of that impulse release trigger U1A that is generating impulse with 200uS long. That impulse, after retranform steering thyristors.
Peaking transformer have two roles:
- galvanic separation of gates and cathodes both thyristors from each other.
- galvanic separation steering system from thyristors.
Thanks to that both thyristors i could mount at one radiator without isolation, and steering system i could powered by the same voltage as thyristors. Besides 3 rectifying diodes of power I could screw in to common radiators without isolation. That could allow to minimalism the number of radiators to two.
Transformer have 3x200 coils fi0,3mm at ferrite core. Coil amount, and wire thickness is depend on voltages and rhyristors type.
IMPORTAND - we can't cross clamp pares Tr1-G1 with Tr2-G2 - it would destroy the thyristors.
Choke L1 and diode D3 are optional but strongly recommended
RMS on output with bulb 12V 100W without choke
With choke
Driver board
Radiator Q2 is unnecessary - after. 30min transistor was lukewarm.
More info at