Three schematic pages and one PCB page in Eagle Pro

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In Eagle PRO, if I want to have three schematic pages all building into the same single PCB layout file, is all I have to do is to just create another schematic file in the same folder as the PCB document? (I already have page one of the schamtic in there, but presumably can just add other schematic files, and they will all be synchronised to the same single PCB file?)

I don't use Eagle but that's how it works on other packages. The schematics can be flat or in a heirarchy but as long as the nodes are named the same on each page they should be treated as the same entity.

If you are trying to mix different schematics on to one PCB to save on production costs, the method I use is to number the components with say 1000 added to the second sheet, 2000 to the next and so on and also make sure the grounds, supplies and all the nodes have different names that do not appear on other sheets. It should then make a PCB with each individual schematic routed as it's own board but all sharing the same PCB.

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"RTFM". Eagle manual, paragraph 6.1 Creating the schematic diagram, see e.g. Organize Schematic Sheets.
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In Eagle, that is done using "panelize.ulp." The original numbers (names) are retained on the layout.

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Thanks John, I've never used Eagle so I couldn't suggest the method you described.

Incidentally, the program "Autotrax Design Express" aka DEX can now read Eagle schematics and PCB files, sadly it's a Windows only program but it does have some very impresive features.

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