Thomas Lee The Design of CMOS Radio-Frequency Ebook

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I have Chinese language installed on my computer, but first I don't understand Chinese, second I don't have password. And I can't register and get this password because of the first.


It's time to either post on this board the file or stop posting these links!

Remember this is an English only forum ! Not chinese so there's no point posting to chinese sites that most of us can't read - OK

You'll only annoy people and start to pick up warnings??



hi guys

here's direct link hxxp://
but it doesn't work right now.
i got it, scanned pdf(116mb), 1st ed, 1998, too big to post here.


v_naren, I toggled off passive mode in flashftp and was able to connect to 21

I beg your pardon but what ftp???
the link given was a http link?
what did u do as I am still unable to connect and download the file....please explain what you did ?

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