Thermal printer using ATMEGA8 and Code vision for AVR

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Jan 27, 2013
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I have successfully interfaced thermal printer Maxim pn-64 with Atmega8 and code vision for AVR. I can print the data using putchar() and puts() function provided with codevision. Now i want to change the font size. Double width and double height.For this command given is 'ESC ! n'. Hexadecimal value for ESC is 1B, for ! is 21 but what about 'n'. What is 'n' and how to send hex value for 'n' or for that matter whole 'ESC ! n' sequence using putchar() or puts() function. Please guide.

Kindly attache the application note for the printer, you can see the command for font size, from your state I guess n is the font size number.. to see the value refer the note or attach here to refer that....

View attachment thermal-panel-printer.pdfView attachment thermal-panel-printer.pdf

changing value of n, helping a little in increasing height and little bit width. But not satisfactory level. Here is the code
while (1)
      // Place your code here
     // putchar(0x0d);        //Hex code for enter
      putchar(0x1b);          //Hex code for ESC
      putchar(0x21);          //Hex code for !
      putchar(0x36);          //Value of n
      puts(s);                     //s is an array of string         


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you can try 0x30 or 0x31 as it is mentioned that double width and height... you printer supports only Normal, Double Width, Double Height & Quadruple Sizes, no other size can be selected... this is the drawback in thermal printer or line printer
with bit4 and 5 high you can choose the maximum size

Bit7 Bit6 Bit5 Bit4 Bit3 Bit2 Bit1 Bit0
0 0-upright 0- Single width 0- Single height 0 0 0 0 - 29 Cols
0 1-inverse 1- Double width 1- Double height 0 0 0 1 - 42 Cols

Thanx kanni,

30 or 31 for what? for ESC or ! or n. Because as I have mentioned in my code, i am sending all the three values separately using putchar() function.

It is for n

30 for 29 characters per line and 31 for 42 characters per line.... you may choose this depending upon your requirements

so the value will be
1B 21 30 -- for 29 C/L
1B 21 31 -- for 42 C/L

Means the sequence and the method by which i am sending the data is correct, is it right.

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