A power MOSFET is pulsed with rectangular shaped Vds and Id pulses of amplitude 10V and 10A. The power dissipated in the mosfet in can be calculated as Pd= Vds*Id. Use ther mal RC model for the mosfet, which can be found at si8851edb.pdf( From vishay)
The MOSFET is surface mounted on 1"X1" FR4 board with full copper( select the model from pdf accordingly). Show simulation circuit and simulation results and find the answer to question from below.
1) At 22°, longest possible single pulse duration without breaking the component.
2) minimum pulsing period so that the MOSFET doesn't break after the burst of 5 pulses each 0.5ms wide?
3)Max duty cycle that can be used at a continuous pulsing frequency of 1KHz