Advanced Member level 4
This project was designed for the kart track in order to automate the detection system and measuring the time to end of the ride. The assumption was that nine gokarts can move on the track at once, so there was a need to countdown three times independently.
- modular construction and ability to add new modules
- time measurement regardless for each vehicle
- signaling the end of ride by red light
- the ability to set any time for each vehicle separately
- group starts – the simultaneous release of a group of vehicles and the group set of times
- clock
- deleting times
- remote read of the remaining time on an extra panel
Boards were made by thermal transfer method on one-sided laminate. Supply is an old AT power supply and a separate transformer 24V for the relays. The keyboard was made of the buttons of PC keyboard.
Link to original thread (useful attachment) – Układ wspomagający pracę toru kartingowego