With base open (Ib = 0) Vce = Vcc and when Ib is not 0 then Ic flows and max value of Ic for your circuit is Vcc/Rc = 15V/3k = 5 mA. So, Ic can never exceed 5 mA in your circuit. Active region is used for amplifier action as CB junction is reverse biased in active region. In active region Ic increases very very less. In the saturation region (for example 0 to 0.3V for 2N2222A) with Ib not equal to 0 both BE and BC junctions are forward biased. So, load line is drawn between cut-off and saturation value of Ic. When it is mentioned saturation it is peak value of Ic and Ic will be stable after that value and CB junction gets reverse biased. So, on the load line you can see active regions for different Ib values. Depending upon Ib you can have many Q-points or operating points for your amplifier.
The purpose is to select a operating point depending upon the base current range. If you input a ac signal which varies Ib between 10 UA and 40 uA then Ic should vary accordingly on the characteristic curves but in the active region and the point should not lie in the saturation region or cut-off region.