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i put a ne555 timer in astable mode. the variant of 555 timer is ne555. the output of the 555 timer is the input to a 74ls294 frequency divider. the output of the 74ls294 frequency divider turns a led on and off. i used a timer to time the on period and off period. the led is on for 9 seconds and off for 9 seconds. E pin is connected to positive terminal. A pin is connected to positive terminal. B pin is connected to positive terminal. C pin is connected to negative terminal. D pin is connected to positive terminal. the 74ls294 frequency divider is suppose to divide the input frequency by 2 to the 27th power. i calculated an input frequency of 7.4 million hertz. the ne555 timer is rated at a maximum frequency of 100 kilohertz. the capacitor is rated at 10 microfarads. the first resistor is rated at 1000 ohms. the second resistor is rated at 330 ohms. i calculated the output frequency of the 555 timer is 61 hertz.i connected the clear pin of the 74ls294 to the positive terminal. there are two clock pins. the output of the 555 timer is connected to the second clock pin. the first clock pin is connected to the negative terminal.
this is a schematic of my circuit.
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why am i getting an output frequency much higher than 100 kilohertz?
this is a schematic of my circuit.
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why am i getting an output frequency much higher than 100 kilohertz?