the output current of microcontroller PIC16f877a

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You Wei Lim

Newbie level 3
Jul 21, 2014
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Melaka, Malaysia
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hi guest, may i know all the output current from the microcontroller PIC16f877a pin ? i know it can find it on the datasheet ~~ but i don't know how its means from the data sheet, i need to know how to read the exact values. Your help is very grateful~~

Maximum current from a single pin is 25mA.

The maximum current output by all pins of PORTs A, B and E is 200mA total, so only 8 pins can be at full 25mA, or 20 pins at 10mA simultaneously.

The maximum current output by all pins of PORTs C and D is 200mA total, so only 8 pins can be at full 25mA, or 16 pins at 12.5mA simultaneously.

On top of all that - there is a 250mA limit on the total supply current, so all of your output currents should add up to less than 250mA (let's guess at 200mA to allow 50mA for other peripherals?)

If you draw the full 25mA from a pin, the output high voltage may drop well below Vdd, but there is no specification that tells you exactly how big a drop. EDIT: correction- there is, as Tahmid shows below

..... at least - that is how I read the datasheet....
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