Dear all,
Can anyone please help to clarify my doubt..
I have designed a patch antenna, attached file consists of the results (S11 and Radiation Pattern) of my simulation by HFSS.
The S11 have resonance frequency of 4GHz (Return Loss=23.47dB) and 5.5GHz (Return Loss=26.27dB). Impedance Bandwidth is ~8.8GHz.
I have a problem on interpreting the radiation pattern (I have done lots findings but still have some doubt:!
1) I not sure the "gain" on radiation pattern is refer to Power gain or Directivity? The unit is in dBi.
2) I am getting negative "gain" on radiation pattern (E-field). I read from article is antenna Loss. What does it mean physically? Does it mean the antenna absorb power instead of radiating the power? May I know if this negative "gain" is a good things.
3) How about the positive gain? May I know what does it mean in physically?
4) I understand that dBi is used for rate the antenna ,what if the antenna is not isotropic (eg. is directional antenna) , do we still can use dBi as unit in radiation pattern?
Thank you so much. **broken link removed**