dB / dt = V / N.Ae as long as you meet the formula at left and the Bpk does not saturate the transformer - you can go down to any low frequency, so if I want to traverse from -1.8 tesla to +1.8 tesla with an applied voltage of 200V, in 100 seconds, the N.Ae product must be 5555 ( Turns. m^2 ) so a 1 meter squared core allows 5555 turns, and etc ....
Also, for a sinusoid applied voltage: Bpk = Erms / ( 4.44 F N Ae ) Ae = core area, N = turns, F = freq, Erms = rms volts
Same example as above, Bpk = 1.8 Tesla in my high grade ( Supermendur ) electrical transformer steel, Erms = 200V, F = 1/200 sec
this implies N.Ae = 5005 ( answer a bit different as the AVE applied volts are 200 x 1.11, c.f. to 200V ave in the above ) N.B. 5005x1.11=5555
so a core 250mm x 250mm ( 0.0625 m^2 ) requires 80,080 turns for 200Vrms at 5 milli-Hz, or 400T for 1V rms at this freq,
happy designing ...