The film is too small for this pcb during generate Gerber File

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Jun 29, 2010
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Need help on error "The film is too small for this pcb" during generate Gerber File.

Please refer attached for detail.



  • Problem2.pdf
    176.6 KB · Views: 709

IT looks like (Based on GBO layer) that you grabbed and placed a component, but because of the selection filter settings you had set, your component was placed on the PCB but the silkscreen for the component stayed where it was on the workspace. That is why it complained that the film size was too small and why you've made it so large to get it visible. I'd personally change the settings so that the pcb layers were all referenced to the absolute origin, or, maybe an inch or so offset from the absolute origin for accurate placement generation. And, zoom in on your "mystery" component silkscreen - you should be able to figure out which part it is, change your select filter to GBO layer and move it next to the correct part.

Hi ftsolutions,

Thanks for your advises BUT i do not understand your given solution steps, may you repeat with more detail on how to do it ?
I believe will be solve the problem if able to locate and remove the unwanted object.


- - - Updated - - -


I'm able to remove the unwanted object, but the workplace still too big !!
How to set it back to original or normal size?


Query the object in layout and findout what it is..If it is unwanted then delete otherwise move inside the board if it is relevant.

Go back and select all layers in the PCBDoc and select all objects in the view, and move it back toward the crosshatch Origin symbol in the lower left corner of the window. Or, change your Gerber/PCB settings from "Center on film" to "absolute origin" (this is assuming that your origin is still where it appears to be. Go into the help section to learn about absolute and relative origins in the PCBDoc.

How to see and remove unwanted object that located at -X and -Y location?

If you know the location then just take add line option and type x y info in command line it will take to you that location..

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