the difference between register(not register file) and sram

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Newbie level 3
May 9, 2011
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is register composed of flip-lop or sram?
is register file composed of register or sram?
is sram composed of flip-flop or register?

so confused~~

help me,please!!

Dera Friend

SRAM compose of Flip-Flop where as registers are inbuild in CPU...

Physically, a microcontroller is an integrated circuit with pins along each side.
The pins presented by a microcontroller are used for power, ground, oscillator,
I/O ports, interrupt request signals, reset and control, intergrated SRAM etc.

So SRAM is a memory that is connected to a microprocessor whereas registers are inbuild into microproccesor

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---------- Post added at 07:59 ---------- Previous post was at 07:55 ----------

If ur new to embedded systems..Go through this book its good for beginners..

First Steps with Embedded Systems- Byte Craft Limited

You can get ebooks over net.

---------- Post added at 08:00 ---------- Previous post was at 07:59 ----------

Processor register - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read this for more details
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    Points: 2
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thanks for your reply first! Like you said i am new to embeded systems,and many base concepts i can't understand ,here there is a question about "the difference bettwen register file and sram", from there i know that the two terms are not belong to the same abstract level,but i still have some confuse about these terms like what i asked just now,expect the more detailed explain,thanks~

You can't get a clear cut answer for this question unless you clarify what context you use the term.
A register could be a general purpose register in a microprocessor and possibly made of SRAM. Or registers may be just program registers to control the configurations and options of the chip, or may be just a flop which has no programmablity.
A simple answer is registers and SRAMs are not in the same class and they are apple and orange. SRAM is determined by a circuit design technique, and register has many different definitions like I said above depending on the context.
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    Points: 2
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thanks a lot~ though i don't understand what you said fullly

Take it like this......SRAM are the memory when initials programs gets loaded,instruction by instruction..Whereas in register only some need temp values are stored.
Registers are referred in bytes where as SRAM is referred in Kbytes


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