I have worked with microcontrollers for basic input/output and arithmetics.
I just learnt that the entry level CPLDs cost about the same as a mid range microcontroller. I do not know much about CPLDs. But before beginning, it would be worth if I had a rough estimate of the capabilities of a CPLD.
What to expect from a 32 macrocell CPLD?
Do all CPLDs with 32 macrocells have the same capability, apart from speed?
How much current can a CPLD port source/sink? 4mA to 5mA, juts like microcontrollers?
Do CPLDs have a clock?
Do they have memory, just like microcontrollers?
If we had to build a basic MCU with 10 to 15 instructions, would 32 macrocells be ok?
Datasheets specify the maximum operating frequency, which is surprisingly high, in hundreds of MHzs. Does it mean they can be configured as a basic MCU running at that speed?