Yes I'm well aware of this fact.
That's why I wrote
up to 10 MIPS for PIC.
I know this is very teoretically.
I could have written minimum execution time for PIC18 is 100 ns.
Maybe this is less misleading.
Another very fast 8-bit MCU is the UBICOM SX (fomerly SCENIX) which is a very fast PIC 16C5X clone.
Minimum execution time for different 8 bit MCU's:
Cygnal (8051) @ 100 MHz: 10 ns
UBICOM SX (PIC16C5X clone) @ 75 MHz: 13.3 ns
Dallas DS89C420 (8051) @ 33 MHz: 30.3 ns
Atmel AVR @ 16 MHz: 62.5 ns
Microchip PIC18 @ 40 MHz: 100 ns
You can't compare the speed between of different architectures based on the minimum execution time, but you can compare different MCUs of the same architecture. For example 8051 MCUs like Cygnal and Dallas can be compared directly based on minimum execution time.
From architecture to architecture there is a big difference in the average of instruction clock cycles per instruction.
For the AVR for example most of the instructions are excuted in one clock cycle, while many PIC and 8051 instructions need more than one instruction clock cycle to execute.
I think AVR is the fastest 8-bit architecture if they all run with at same execution time.
I have seen AVRs overclocked at 24 MHz, but I would not reccomend this for commercial products:
**broken link removed**
I don't know if it is possible to overclock any of the other MCUs??
If you want an even faster MCU than any of theese you can use an FPGA with a soft MCU core. You can get HVDL and Verilog cores of both 8051, AVR and PIC plus many others.
For large quantities you can also get AVR asics from Atmel running at up to 70 MHz.