This device saves to EEPROM the value from the temperature sensor (DS1820). The EEPROM can accommodate 8192 values. The values can be saved in 2-9999 second intervals. For example if 1 value will be saved each 15 minutes, the memory will last for 85 days.
The device is powered from a phone loader (but the device has it's own tension stabilizer). Against power outages a 4.8V accumulator was used, it lasts for 3 days of work.
All the data (date, time, interval of measurement) are sent remotely by a RC5 remote control. The DS32kHz chip and the RTC PCF8583 are responsible for timing. The whole device is controlled by Atmega16 with Bascom language.
Applied housing: Z-20A
The device takes 200mA with switched on LCD display highlighting, and 30mA without it.
After reading the values from the device, they can be easily displayed on an excel graph.
Link to video:
It started like this:
Example graphs:
The final result:
Link to original thread –
Rejestrator Temperatury by Hubert Fabieński