Temperature measurement using DS1820 sensor Problem

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Newbie level 3
Dec 30, 2012
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Im using pic16f877 and DS1820 sensor to measuring the Temperature. But i could not find the real value. im using the same code that is used in the example of mikroC library.here i attach the circuit diagram and the code. Is there anyone who can help me?

// LCD module connections
sbit LCD_RS at RB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN at RB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4 at RB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5 at RB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6 at RB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7 at RB3_bit;

sbit LCD_RS_Direction at TRISB4_bit;
sbit LCD_EN_Direction at TRISB5_bit;
sbit LCD_D4_Direction at TRISB0_bit;
sbit LCD_D5_Direction at TRISB1_bit;
sbit LCD_D6_Direction at TRISB2_bit;
sbit LCD_D7_Direction at TRISB3_bit;
// End LCD module connections

//  Set TEMP_RESOLUTION to the corresponding resolution of used DS18x20 sensor:

const unsigned short TEMP_RESOLUTION = 9;

char *text= "000.0000";
unsigned temp;

void Display_Temperature(unsigned int temp2write) {
  const unsigned short RES_SHIFT = TEMP_RESOLUTION - 8;
  char temp_whole;
  unsigned int temp_fraction;

  // Check if temperature is negative
  if (temp2write & 0x8000) {
     text[0] = '-';
     temp2write = ~temp2write + 1;

  // Extract temp_whole
  temp_whole = temp2write >> RES_SHIFT ;

  // Convert temp_whole to characters
  if (temp_whole/100)
     text[0] = temp_whole/100  + 48;
     text[0] = '0';

  text[1] = (temp_whole/10)%10 + 48;             // Extract tens digit
  text[2] =  temp_whole%10     + 48;             // Extract ones digit

  // Extract temp_fraction and convert it to unsigned int
  temp_fraction  = temp2write << (4-RES_SHIFT);
  temp_fraction &= 0x000F;
  temp_fraction *= 625;

  // Convert temp_fraction to characters
  text[4] =  temp_fraction/1000    + 48;         // Extract thousands digit
  text[5] = (temp_fraction/100)%10 + 48;         // Extract hundreds digit
  text[6] = (temp_fraction/10)%10  + 48;         // Extract tens digit
  text[7] =  temp_fraction%10      + 48;         // Extract ones digit

  // Print temperature on LCD
  Lcd_Out(2, 5, text);

void main() {
  ANSEL  = 0;                                    // Configure AN pins as digital I/O
  ANSELH = 0;
  C1ON_bit = 0;                                  // Disable comparators
  C2ON_bit = 0;

  Lcd_Init();                                    // Initialize LCD
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CLEAR);                           // Clear LCD
  Lcd_Cmd(_LCD_CURSOR_OFF);                      // Turn cursor off
  Lcd_Out(1, 1, " Temperature:   ");
  // Print degree character, 'C' for Centigrades
  Lcd_Chr(2,13,223);                             // Different LCD displays have different char code for degree
                                                 // If you see greek alpha letter try typing 178 instead of 223


  //--- Main loop
  do {
    //--- Perform temperature reading
    Ow_Reset(&PORTE, 2);                         // Onewire reset signal
    Ow_Write(&PORTE, 2, 0xCC);                   // Issue command SKIP_ROM
    Ow_Write(&PORTE, 2, 0x44);                   // Issue command CONVERT_T

    Ow_Reset(&PORTE, 2);
    Ow_Write(&PORTE, 2, 0xCC);                   // Issue command SKIP_ROM
    Ow_Write(&PORTE, 2, 0xBE);                   // Issue command READ_SCRATCHPAD

    temp =  Ow_Read(&PORTE, 2);
    temp = (Ow_Read(&PORTE, 2) << 8) + temp;

    //--- Format and display result on Lcd

  } while (1);
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As what Tpetar has just said,
but most importantly the Pic chips only run on 5V or less, your diagram has a 9v battery directly connected, on a real circuit that would burn things out straight away !

@tpetar I know the lcd connection is ok! i have used it in proteus simulator on different purpose. in this project ive got the reading in display but it is fixed at 000.5000. i have already tried but it is same.


Your lcd connections are good enough to work in proteus but will not work on actual hardware.

Pins 1 2 and 3 are ignored by proteus; it does not need anything connecting to them at all.
However on actual hardware it must pins 1 2 3 must be connected as shown in tpetars diagram with a 5k or 10k trimmer for the contrast.

In practical terms you cannot resistor down every device to run off a 9v battery, you must use a 5v regulator.
Again it seems to work in proteus but will give you all sorts of problems in hardware.
Your resistors are fixed, the battery voltage is not.

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