Re: gain boosted problem
i want to design an OTA with high gain and high bandwidth to use it after in high speed delta sigma modulator. I want to design telescopic gain boosted with folded cascode OTA. The TGBO will reached 100dB dc gain and about 700MHz GBW. I design with 0.35um 2.8V technology. I designed the main amplifier which is the telescopic OTA, it presents a dc gain of 53.7dB, a GBW of 710 MHZ, a dominent pole of 1.8Mhz, a margin phase of 70 deg, a biais current of 1100uA, a Vdd of 1.4V (Vdd=-Vss=1.4V) and a load capacitance of 1.5pF. I designed the first gain boosting folded cascode OTA with nmos input, it presents a dc gain of 60.57dB, a GBW of 561 MHZ, a dominent pole of 0.58Mhz, a margin phase of 63.5 deg, a biais current of 1008uA, a Vdd of 1.4V (Vdd=-Vss=1.4V) and a load capacitance of 2.5pF. After that, i designed the seconf gain boosting folded cascode OTA with pmos input, it presents a dc gain of 60dB, a GBW of 566 MHZ, a dominent pole of 0.63Mhz, a margin phase of 63.5 deg, a biais current of 1108uA, a Vdd of 1.4V (Vdd=-Vss=1.4V) and a load capacitance of 2pF. When i collect the folded cascode OTA gain boosting with the telescopic and i simulate the overall amplifier, the gain doesn't increased, i don't find the problem. I simulate with ORCAD PSPICE (bsim3v3 model).
Could you please help me.
best regards