Actually there are several quite sophisticated products available which do this sort of thing for...... <wait for it>..... yes! Golfers!
Maybe one such device could be adapted for your use ?
Here's some links about what i mean--
**broken link removed**
I suspect these are quite expensive. I don't know if they can be directly used for soccer balls, and if not it's unlikely the vendor will make the mods without an equally hefty fee. But hey... you can try !
On the flip side, I myself had experimented with designing a similar product for use by tennis players, cricketers, football, whatever. But at a much lower cost and without so many bells'n'whistles. Ultrasonics, pinging, doppler, etc etc.
So if you only looking for technical help, then i could help.
For your specfic question - the answer is Yes. Ultrasonics can be used quite effectively.