Team Prometheus needs your help! GPS front end data logger

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Monroe Lee King Jr

Newbie level 1
Nov 10, 2011
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Lampasas, Texas
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Our team is trying to put the first amateur satellite into orbit. Our next mission is to launch our rocket from a high altitude balloon into space and we need to gather positional data to prove our achievement
I have learned that we can receive GPS data from the RF front end and record this directly. The reason we need to do this is most inexpensive GPS receivers have COCOM limits that wont allow us to track or rockets in real time. However if we record the raw data from the front end we can later post process that data to verify our accomplishments.
What we need is help designing a recorder that can record the data directly from the front end for later post processing. Please be a part of our mission into space and help us on this end of our project! What we need is:
1. Determineine which front end chip to use.
2. Design a recording device.
3. The software to post process the recorded data.
Any help would be greatly appreciatedciated and recognition of any help will be givin to any individuals that don't mind it in our project. There is room on the team for anyone interested in actually going into space as well. We have guidance systems and telemetry systems that we need help with as we progress. We have based our current systems on the Ardupilot and Arducopter from DIY Drones if your interested in seeing what hardware we are currently using for guidance and telemetry.

Team Prometheus
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