[General] Table tennis scoreboard

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One keypad is sufficient. I removed the 2nd Keypad. Mention the layout of the keypad that is something like this

S1+ S1- G1+ G1-

S2+ S2- G2+ G2-


I will write a code for you.


  • Tennis Score Board Rev1.png
    53.6 KB · Views: 142

Try the attached project. It uses one wire to interface 4x4 Keypad.


  • Tennis Score Board Rev1.rar
    26.4 KB · Views: 136

Hello pic.programmer,

interesting approach, unfortunately I already order the PCB for my design. I know I can run the board with 3 off 595 instead 7 of them.
May be next project I should use your ideas. :razz: :bang:

By the way your keyboard do NOT work properly, you must adjust the value in software (I had problem with that on ARDUINO)
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So no one have some suggestion for me, than I start to design my own SCOREBOARD, attach is the first small board for referees. Hope I get PCB soon and I did not make many mistakes on it.

View attachment 124894

Wow, that must be a lot of work designing that PCB.

My only doubt is whether 16F628 has enough program space to do all the stuffs you intended. What is the purpose of the RF transmitter? Should it not be a receiver in case you want to remote control the scoreboard?

Hi Allen6502,

The transmitter is correct should control (transmit) to external large board, (1000x300mm) so all the people which watching the game can see the result.

Hopefully I will completed the board this weekend so I can posted some pic’s

Nice work and congratulations. Next step would be designing the display board with display LEDs 10x bigger. ULN2003A should be able to handle the bigger current if each segment not exceeding 60mA.


Finally receive second board (medium size) hopefully will populated this weekend.


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