5 years ago, when VHDL and Verilog supporters used to argue about which is the best, people used to speak about the "HDL Wars" (Like "Star Wars", "Clone Wars", etc). Now it is the era of SLDL (System Level Design Language) Wars. That's why language developing consortia keep confusing us!
There are lot of vendors for EDA tools ..Every one is tring to force his language as a IEEE std so with time no of laguages is going to more only..but very less survivals
Do you know where I can find an evaluation version for Handel-C ... because I want to try it to know if it got any advantage over other HDL....
I tried their website but there is nothing their
The development of all such system-c, handle-c and etc is because of the limitation of ansi-c to support parallel structure as hardware/system level description language.