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System-on-chip design methodology pdf

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May 17, 2001
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System-on-chip design methodology in engineering education

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SoC and Asic

Could anyone please tell me what is system on chip (SoC) design? And the diferences in between Asic design and SoC. Are they the same thing?
Thank you! 8O

Generally speaking, it's the same thing.
Both are Application Specific ICs. But
in terms of complexity, SoC is usually
more complex in scale. Usually it contains
both digital & analog ckts, like PLL, ADC/DAC, RAM/ROM, micro-controller,
dedicated digital IPs and glue logics.

For example, single DVD servo chip is a good example of SoC.

Hope it clarify the difference : )

What is the highest frequency one need to work with in designing ASIC and SoC? Is there a difference?

The main idea behind SoC is IP/Macro re-use. So, it is a new time-to-market approach.

Nowadays, there are lots of design houses coming out and providing IPs/Macros for SoC designers. The most of the 3G-4G handheld devices rely on this.

A "joke" I once heard was that after VLSI and ULSI, the industry felt that following the incresing desing complexity we would make us use all letters of the alphabet to describe new fanufacturable devices. So the description ideas behind SSI, MSI, LSI, VLSI and ULSI has been abandoned (like the 8086, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486 Intel line of processors) and SoC (System-on-Chip) has been introduced to denote advanced VLSI devices, which integrate improved functionality, sometimes both analog and digital and even mechanical parts. SoCs are most of the times designed using IPs because of their complexity but the two terms are not equivalent. As far as for frequencies, they are technology and application dependent.

I think the SOC design is driven by application and cost, IP/reuse topics are
just the derived issue behind the SOC

I think we should also mention co-design when talking about SOC.

As a system that had only possible been realized on a PCB board using various components becoming possible to put together on a single chip (SOC), the verification of such chip and its firmware could put together in a single simulation environment. Hence improving the design time and the chance of first spin success.

So, that adds another acronym to our industry.


Do you know which is the next term after SoC, describing advanced ICs? I think it is NoC (Network-on-Chip). Big companies have started using this term.

ASIC --> A IC is designed for 'one' special application.
SOC --> System on a chip. SOC may be a ASIC. However, I think the main idea of SOC is that the chip is the whole system. You can image that one chip is a PC. In this chip, there consists of DRAM, CPU, GPU, LAN MAC,....

Good Document about asic design methodology please?

In ASIC design, each block is designed only for a special purpose in special Chip. But System on Chip is mastly based on block reuse. This means that a designer uses previousely designed blocks for designing its new system. Sometimes he needs to design a new block. In this situation, He designs that block so that he can use it for other purposes in future. ASIC is a Block-Based Design approach while System on Chip is Platform-Based Design approach.
Best regards

The website for finding information about System on Chip and its rules are :h**p://

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