Some Information
Just for your reference...
The 7.3.3 release is considered a replacement for all previous versions
of the Synplify and Synplify Pro products.
This release has fixed a few high priority bugs found with the Synplify 7.3.1 product
and also provides better performance and area optimization for the latest Xilinx devices.
These devices include Spartan3, Virtex2 and Virtex2 Pro.
[Attention Windows NT 4.0 Users]
Support for all Synplicity products on the Windows NT operating system is being discontinued.
This is primarily due to Microsoft's position on obsoleting this older operating system.
Synplicity products released after June 30, 2004 will no longer
be tested or supported under Windows NT 4.0.
Windows 2000 and Windows XP Professional will continue to be supported.