[SOLVED] synopsys dc install problem

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when installing syn_vV-2004.06(including common file and linux file) on Redhat AS EE3 ,i run scl8.4.2 script "./install.now" file and typr "linux" when it promote the operation system,but the message "invaild platform.......,....", what's wrong?

when installing syn_vV-2004.06(including common file and linux file) on Redhat AS EE3 ,i run scl8.4.2 script "./install.now" file and typr "linux" when it promote the operation system,but the message "invaild platform.......,....", what's wrong?

I only hear the scl1.2 will encounter this problem,and neet to modify the script,you can search the previous article.. And for scl8.4, never find the problem.

where could i find a scl8.4?

you must take all unpackage file/directory in a same directory, i met this problem before.

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