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Synop$y$ setup under RH7.3

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Dick Hou

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Jul 31, 2001
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I extracted two file of 2001.8, following is the details:

[root@dick tmp]# ls -al
total 117860
drwxr-xr-x 3 root root 4096 Jul 30 19:12 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 root root 4096 Jul 30 00:15 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 1062 31 52620 Jan 31 08:38
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 172 Feb 1 02:01 LABEL.SYS
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 274985 Apr 24 20:59
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 72516 May 5 07:16 license.dat
drwxr-xr-x 12 1062 31 4096 Aug 29 2001 linux
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 7718294 Feb 12 03:46 pc.taz
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 4480 Feb 1 02:00 README.1ST
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 398 Feb 1 02:09 README.pc
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 373 Jan 31 09:05 README.sf3
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 381 Feb 1 02:07 README.sf4
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 554 Feb 1 02:06 README.syn
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 5688 Feb 12 03:46 sf3.taz
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 5693 Feb 12 03:46 sf4.taz
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 gopher 227 Aug 10 1999 sold
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 16011 Apr 23 12:30 Synopsis.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 1062 31 112343805 Feb 12 03:45 syn.taz

But when I run, and answer all the question, it told me dosn't exist syn, anybody now why?

Here is your final selection for installing Synopsys Tools:

VERSION: 2001.08-SP2

Synopsys Media Directory (from) : /tools/tmp
Synopsys Install Directory (to) : /tools/synopsys

Platform Independent Package(s) for : syn

Disk space required : 699 MB
Disk space available : 17370 MB

WARNING: syn does not exist for linux. Ignored ...

If all the information is correct, continue with the installation.


Install? {y,n} [y]: n

I use this release in RH7.3, FYI.

How to Obtain Red Hat Linux 7.2 GUI binaries for 2002.03-SP1 and 2002.05

Some of my Linux-based GUI software fatals under Red Hat Linux 7.x but run fine under Red Hat Linux 6.2. Where do I obtain 2002.03 and 2002.05 GUI executables that are compatible with Red Hat Linux 7.x?

As of June 2002, $ynopsy$ MainWin-based GUI tools run under Red Hat Linux 6.2 only and are not compatible with Red Hat Linux 7.2. However, special versions of PrimeTime, TetraMAX, and Synthesis (BCView, Design Vision, Library Compiler, MemWrap) GUIs are available that will run under RedHat 7.2 only, but are not compatible with Red Hat 6.2. These special versions are available by EST only, and are not on CD-ROM.

To obtain these special 7.2-compatible binaries, download 2002.03-SP1-1 for PrimeTime or 2002.05-1 for TetraMAX or Synthesis. (If you still require GUI tools that will also run under Red Hat 6.2, then you will need to install these special binaries into a second, standalone tree.)

Instructions for downloading and installing these special binaries may be found below.

QT-based GUIs such as 2002.05 Physical Compiler (psyn_gui) and 2002.03 Formality are already compatible with RedHat 7.2 and do not require special binaries.

Motif-based tools such as Design Analyzer also do not require special binaries.

The special binaries are also compatible with Red Hat Linux 7.1, but due to instability problems with this OS version, it is recommended that you use 7.2 instead. Also, Red Hat Linux 7.3 has not been tested with these binaries and is not supported.
Download instructions:
All products:

Start an ftp session to "ftp.$"
eg. % ftp ftp.$
- Enter "anonymous" as the login name.
- Enter your as the password.
- Type "binary" at ftp prompt to set the transfer mode to binary:
ftp> binary
- Follow the instructions below to cd to the correct product directory and
get the necessary files:

PrimeTime 2003.03-SP1-1 for Red Hat Linux 7.2:

ftp> cd pub/linux-2002-03-SP1-7-2.tar.gz [not an error]
ftp> get linux-2002-03-SP1-7-2.tar.gz

TMAX 2002.05-1 for Red Hat Linux 7.2:

ftp> cd pub/2002.05_TMAX_LINUX
ftp> get 2002.05_common.tar.gz
ftp> get 2002.05_linux.tar.gz

Synthesis 2002.05-01 for Red Hat Linux 7.2:

ftp> cd pub/syn_2002.05-1
ftp> get syn_2002.05-1_common.tar
ftp> get syn_2002.05-1_linux.tar

Note: The 2002.05-1 Release Note installation instructions are incorrect. Instead, use the installation instructions below.

Installation Instructions
PrimeTime 2003.03-SP1-1
In a temporary directory, uncompress linux-2002-03-SP1-7-2.tar.gz:
gzip -dc linux-2002-03-SP1-7-2.tar.gz | tar xf -

Execute and follow the instructions

Install PrimeTime (pts) into a separate, standalone directory

When installation is complete, remove linux-2002-03-SP1-7-2.tar.gz

TetraMAX 2002.05-1
Create a standalone directory for TMAX

Copy both .gz files to the standalone directory

Uncompress the files:
gzip -dc 2002.05_common.tar.gz | tar xf -
gzip -dc 2002.05_linux.tar.gz | tar xf -

Note: There is no script for TMAX 2002.05-1

Remove the tar.gz source files. Installation is now complete.
Synthesis 2002.05-1
Copy both .tar files to a temporary directory

Untar the files:
tar xvf syn_2002.05-1_common.tar
tar xvf syn_2002.05-1_linux.tar

Execute and follow the instructions

Install Synthesis into a separate, standalone directory

When installation is complete, remove the temporary tar files.

How to find hidden directory under the $ynop$y$ FTP?

Can someone please tell where can the various synopsys install files can be downloaded nowadays (dec 2006)?. When I enter to synopsys' ftp, I cannot ls to see into the "pub" directory!!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

lagos.jl said:
Can someone please tell where can the various synopsys install files can be downloaded nowadays (dec 2006)?. When I enter to synopsys' ftp, I cannot ls to see into the "pub" directory!!!!

Thanks in advance!!!

You only see the tools your company bought, not everything like before.

Maybe you do not have the Linux packge of SYN and search the files in the directionary "linux".

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