Synchronizing gen. with steam turbine

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snazzy c

Junior Member level 3
Nov 26, 2010
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Apart from making the Phase sequence, and the frequency of the gens.and turbine to be synchronized the same, what other parameters and or factors should one put into consideration when synchronizing! I want to synchronize a gen. (700KVA) with two steam turbines (450KVA and 150 KVA) but was having problems. Pls, I need help.

Are you talking about 3 generators, two of which are attached to a steam turbine each?

I have no direct experience with synchronizing generators.

Or are you talking about two turbines which you wish to connect to one generator?

As with any engine you'll get the most power from a steam turbine when operated at the speed where it produces the most torque. This isn't necessarily easy to determine. It might be done by applying a load and seeing how much the speed goes down.

Then you will gear down the turbine speed in the proper ratio (or change pulley diameters, etc.), to run your generator at the required speed.

This process must be done separately for each turbine. You don't want one turbine trying to drive the other turbine. You want to combine their maximum effective torques.

If I've assumed incorrectly then disregard this post.
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