I want to design a "switch-mode" lead acid battery charging system for 12V 12Ah battery.
It should include three modes of charging:
1. Constant Current Charging (Bulk Charge)
2. Constant Voltage Charging (Boost Mode)
3. Float Charging (Float Mode)
It should also include cut-off voltage when voltage threshold is reached and should have re-charging mechanism when the voltage drops to 11.8V.
The float voltage is around 13.8V. Other details can be provided.
Kindly can anyone help me in designing this battery charging circuit for my Final Year Project. I have made some designs but they do not include all three modes in one circuit. If anyone who has worked on it and know the circuit diagrams of the circuit kindly post the circuit here and help. How can I design such a circuit?
I need it as soon as possible because it is for my final project.