Swapping firmware of 89C51 with 89S51

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Oct 13, 2010
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I need to program an AT89C51 for this programmer . i think it is not possible to program 89C51 with some simple programmer hardware.This is my first post so me not allowed to post direct links.


But the 89S51/52 can be programed with simple parallel port programmer.
On this web the firmware is provided for 89C51 master chip. My question is that can i burn the same file into a 89S51 and use it as master chip to program 89C51 then put the programed 89C51 back as master chip.
The firmware provided for master chip is a binary file, it can be converted to hex file with binary to hex converter. Am i right?
Thanx to all.

Re: swap89C51 with 89S51

On this web the firmware is provided for 89C51 master chip. My question is that can i burn the same file into a 89S51 and use it as master chip to program 89C51 then put the programed 89C51 back as master chip
89c51 or 89s51 once programmed will work with no difference ..

The firmware provided for master chip is a binary file, it can be converted to hex file with binary to hex converter.
Both files contain the same firmware ..

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Re: swap89C51 with 89S51

thanks a lot Ianp sir. i did not see the file carefully perhaps. yes indeed it is same.

Re: swap89C51 with 89S51

just for the info its better to use at89s51 than at89c51, they cost around the same and soon at89c51 will be phased out. the two chips are pin to pin compatible!!!

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Re: swap89C51 with 89S51

Hi asimov sir!
It happen always, Chips are being replaced with better ones.So 89Cxx are going to get phased out in favor of 89Sxx which are off course better and easy to use.But it is very sad to hear that the legend is about to see its end.Has the company announced to stop manufacturing of 89Cxx. From their consistent availability i always thought 89Cxx were likely going go live forever.

Hi liteon,
I don't see the need to be address as "sir"...asimov is fine...any ways choice is urs.

Well Atmel dosen't recommend use of AT89c51 for new designs and recommends At89sxx chips. The two chips are exactly similar in operation just that new chips have ISP feature which makes them easy to program. As of now both chips r available in market.

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