Summer project (stc89c52rc)

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Newbie level 3
Nov 6, 2014
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Hey, how is every one doing ?

Okay, so I'm going to have some time free when summer vacation kicks in. Just finished high school here, and going to start working on my practical engineer diploma. To be honest, I can't wait for the real action to start in school, and since I've really got into vintage computer and games, I thought I can put my free time some where else.

Any way, I know some basic high school C and ASM 51/55, 86/88, and I got my hands dirty in some basic projects, but basic in a sense of lighting LED's on and off and changing their D.C.

As I said, I just got really hocked on some vintage games and electronics, and I would really like to implement some really simple ideas that I have, let's say primitive games. In addition, implementing logic units with the microcontroller, thus making some uber rad stuff!

There was this sale on eBay for some microcontroller unit, and naively I've ordered it. As soon as I tried to do some thing with the unit, a problem emerged: It's a Chinese made chip, obviously form a Chinese company, but it just doesn't support the tools that I've acquired in school. I dug the internet for a resources, but nothing, it's like no one on this planet outside of China uses these chips. I'll include a photo of this board. If I can get help with running this puppy, that would be superb!

Okay, so at the moment I'm pretty sure that this board is going to electronic recycle bin, hence is there any board that I can use without drilling a dipper hole in my already dark pocket ? Or maybe I can just slip another chip in the board.

I thought about using ASM language in some of my programs, is it possible?

Would really appreciate a reply

Data sheet for the microcontroller:

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Check the datasheet of Atmel AT89C52RC2 and At89C52RD2. If the pinouts of the Atmel devices and Processor voltage levels match with that of your device then you can easily replace the chip with At89C51/RC2/RD2, AT89C52/RB2/RC2/RD2/RE2, At89S51, AT89S52 and some other similar chips and use mikroC PRO 8051 oe Keil uVision C51 Compilers to program the chip. Ofcourse you will need a programmer to program the chips.

My chip is a 5.5V~3.3V and the Atmel AT89C52RC2 2.4V to 5.5V, would it work? from what I've seen and checked, they have the same pin layout.

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