Suggestions on final year seminar paper topic

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Mar 6, 2006
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Final Year seminar help

I need to give a seminar as a part of my final year BE course, can anybody suggest me a topic. If it is a IEEE topic it would be better.
I'm interested in DSP. Thank you.

Re: Final Year seminar help


If u r interested in DSP, then you can go for MPEG, JPEG coding using MATLAB.

You will get great material in the NET..........

Re: Final Year seminar help

yes visit ieee site .also fft techniques will be good.

Re: Final Year seminar help

Hello my friend

Something very interesting is to try to interface an image sensor to a dsp module like TI TMS320C6713. It is quite difficult for a newbie but it;s something that quite a few people have done! Maybe you wish to do the same but use a microcontroller....

your choice

Re: Final Year seminar help

well, dsp is a huge topic;

my idea is you can talk about wavelet transform ( as there is not much introduction for undergraduates)...

using DTFT and short term (windowed) DTFT has to compromise on either good time or frequency resolution. however, we can achieve both good time n frequency resolution using wavelet transform.

wish u all the best

Final Year seminar help

Hi Koushik,

a topic in speech/music processing will be great!
Speech/music is one dimensional signal only so it is less complicated than image, but at the same time speech/music could be recognized easly for human beings, so a demontration with speech/music will be superb.

Examples for speech processing: speech recognition, emotion detection, speech compression (used in GSM system), echo cancellation (used in telephone), speech separation (from a so-called cocktail party environment), etc.

Examples for music processing: music notes recognition, equalizer, etc.


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