Suggestion Regarding USB Terminal Device Interface With MC UART

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Full Member level 3
Jul 6, 2008
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Hi There.

I have a USB Sensor Device which I can connect to PC. By installing Driver on PC, I got Virtual COM to send Serial Command to control the Sensor Device.

Now I want to control the Sensor Device through MCU UART. Can you advise what interfacing Chip I need to use to achieve Serial Communication between Sensor USB Terminal and MCU UART?

Thanks in advance



could you post more information? like the model and number of your sensor? can you/ do you want to modify the sensor circuit? can you take photos of the instrument PCB?

if you don't want to touch the sensor, then, you need a USB Host to serial...

I suggest you to check the Vinculum series from FTDI I have used the Vinculum I in a Vdrive2, It's a somewhat generic host (mostly oriented to usb flash drives) but it can handle a CDC connection... I think you can use a Vdrive3 with the new Vinculum-II... these new line of Vinculum processors can be user-programmed, and it seems there is a an application note about a sample program to transparently transfer the data from usart to the CDC... (exactly what you need, but take in consideration that you need a programmer for this vinculum chip)

I suggest you to get a Vdrive3 and manage the CDC data by commands (or get also a V-prog and change the firmware to the transparent cdc-uart firmware)

Finally If your sensor uses a proprietary software in the PC you need to figure out the communication protocol by yourself before connecting to the Vinculum...

Hi Kurenai_ryu.

Thanks for retail reply.

Right now I don't have much information about the Sensor. But I know the Sensor is FTDI based.

After having some research I also found FTDI's Vinculum-II. So my target is to use VNC2 Chip and use the FT232 Firmware.

Thanks again.


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