[SOLVED] Suggestion regarding RF Probe staion purchase

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Newbie level 5
Sep 23, 2010
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Hello everybody,

Could you please suggest companies which would provide manual RF Probe stations for measurements upto 20GHz.

My budget is 10lakhs INR (~20000 USD).



Dear Newbie: without any details on what you want to do, how can one comment to your question?

i want to do S parameter measurement of RF passive devices

Dear Newbie: without any details on what you want to do, how can one comment to your question?

jiripolivka, the poster analog_newbie is looking for something like this:

RF Microwave Probing - Signatone

These workstations feature a chuck that a wafer is affixed too, sometimes using light vacuum 'pressure' to hold the wafer, and the chuck is then movable in X, Y and Z (up/down) directions to drive a set of 'probes' around on a wafer to test fabricated components. The probes can be CPW (Co-Planar Waveguide) and the like to preserve 50 Ohm Impedance environment to the surface of the wafer for component measurement.

We used something similar for DC probing at TI GaAs Facility (front end), and later on we used some of the first on-wafer RF probers by Cascade Microtech for characterization of GaAs RF devices, including RF switches, WBDA (wide band distributed amplifiers) and LNAs.

Hope you find this helpful.

For a serious work like you described I would certainly recommend to select Agilent, Anritsu or Rohde&Schwartz test instruments. All produce vector network analyzers capable of operating up to and above 20 GHz. All are expensive but this guarantees a long-term calibration accuracy.
There are also opportunities to rent such instrumentation, to use it over the time needed but not own it. Renters are responsible for calibration and possible repairs.
If you make a top-notch products, you need the top-notch test instruments. This is why good products are not cheap.

Thank you so very much for your reply.
But I want to know about probe station .

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