I strongly recommend against an ASUS laptop.My friend recently brought one,couldn't install linux either from bios or wubi. Seems to have some problem & even their customer-care have no clue about the problem.
Dell laptops are good
@mpig09: I've been using Dell Inspiron N5010 for the past two years & I also use Fedora OS.
I don't know if that particular model is still available,but in general Dell's customer-care is known to be very good,especially in India.not sure in other places.
This is just my suggestion,but if possible take suggestion from ppl in linux forum(http://www.linuxforums.org/)
No LM358 opamp isn't in the list of opamps that you see after installing LT Spice.
But you can find a model of it which you can add it to LT Spice.You can download model of LM 358 & add it to LT Spice from link below; http://www.onsemi.com/PowerSolutions/supportDoc.do?type=models&rpn=LM358
Or you can run the simulation with an LT1013. It's a dual precision op amp that works with single supply and i think it can be used as a replacement for the LM358.
Here is a sort of "master list" of spice models on the web: **broken link removed**