Suggest me a final year project which includes FPGA(Verilog),PCB and GUI design

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Full Member level 5
Aug 28, 2003
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Hi Friends,
I am looking for a Project....

Which include FPGA(Verilog),PCB and GUI design..

Can somebody suggest me a project...

or is there any chip/bridge, which is absoloute from the market....
so i can use that as my project..

looking forward for your help

Re: final year project

concerning FPGA i have three projects you can choose one of them

but i didn't make any one of them because i took another project

1- implememting of function generator on one chip

2- make coding chip that can code any transmitting signal

3- up-down converter

Re: final year project

dear ceaser,
thnks for mail..

could you please put some focus on
"make coding chip that can code any transmitting signal "

could you pls describe with example..

it sounds interesting..

Re: final year project

Deer tom

i ment by chip can encode any transmited signal that the chip can make line and

channel coding by all types of digital coding

for ex:

when chip take order to code the entering signal to CMI or Manchester code or

unipolar or polar non return to zero, it makes processing to take out the

corrseponding code

ex for CMI:

it takes 4-bits by 4-bits and code them

for manchester it reads if it is one or zero


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Re: final year project

Dear Ceaser,

it is bit clear...

could u pls tell me the application of such coding chip...


Re: final year project

Hi Tom

this chip is used in digital communications.

it takes the digital signal then make processing on the signal to make it ready to be modulated
(modulation mean that we raise the frequency of signal to be suitable for transmission)

then the transmiter transmite it .
we make this line and channel coding in order to speading the bit rate of tranmitter and for small secure and for eleminating DC component of the signal if the signal has it (ex: three ones and two zeros have DC component)
and ather useful applications in transmition i don't remember it right now
thx Tom

Re: final year project

Dear Ceaser,

Thank you...

still i am thinking and working on other things as well....

once i will finalise..
i will get back to you again...

bye for now..


Re: final year project

hi if you r interested in vlsi project then there r lots of project which i had made including digital thermometer ..if you r from india then i can help you or go to link h**p:// for more details or contact me at

Re: final year project

hi deb,

yes, i am looking for VLSI based project...

it should include HDL,Board design and PCB....


Re: final year project

hi deb,

thanks ..
yes i have checked your website...

im looking for a project which include HDL,board design and PCB..........

if u can suggest would be appreciable..


Re: final year project

i can suggest you a project for digital thermometer using cpld have to design pcb for the same ...code in vhdl ..and programmer to program in cpld.

also which country r u from ?


Re: final year project

HI Deb,
Thank you input...

let me study this project...



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