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Suddenly shut down, CPU booting but not displaying

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Newbie level 5
Jul 4, 2010
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I am using AMD processor athlon 7750 model, M-68 giga byte mother board, 500gb hard disk and 2gb ram, UPS, 17 inch CRT monitor and i taken 2months before
using Windows xp3 professional OS
some times my system suddenly shut down
some times CPU booting but not displaying( power ON monitor)
I can't understand the problem
I ask to some networking person's. He's told may be RAM or SMPS problem,

How to solve this problem?

If ur understand my problem please.......... tell me some tips or guide to me

Re: suddenly shut down

if the PWR GOOD signal in SMPS is not proper ,
all your said problems occur.

Re: suddenly shut down

If you get nothing at all on power on (no fans even) that usually indicates
the processor is overheated. It can do this while running - or if the heatsink isn't on - immediately on power on - just shut down.

Reading your message this may not be your problem but it would
be worth checking out anyway.

IF you are able - remove your processor and clean any dust off the heatsink
and and heatsink grease off the bottom. If you have some put a VERY thin
layer of heatsing grease back on but only in the chip area. Less = more.

Re-seat the heatsink carefully - sometimes they don't sit quite right.

It may also be worth re-seating any cards and ram sticks too while you are there.
And do the same for power plugs.

One major failing in PC's is the hard drive power plug crimps. They tend to be rubbish and cause all manner of "shutdown" problems. This might well be yours.

IF you know enough - With the side off the PC gently tap on the power cables
one at a time and see if anything shuts off. BEWARE that this COULD damage something - it's your decision to take.

Clean your airways etc and check temperatures in bios or whatever you use.
Make sure all fans are running and up to speed especially PSU fans.

IF you do all that and still have problems you could be into a faulty component - PSU maybe or something else.

All you can do is give it to a tech or start stripping it down yourself.

As an afterthought - check your mains plug is OK !

I hope that helps


Re: suddenly shut down

As the others mentioned, your SMPS is malfunctioning. measure the voltage on the grey wire of the PSU. It must be 3-5v. if the other voltages were ok but this one, there is a problem with your psu.

Hi ,
i suggest you better check your cooling fan have any dust or not?. if it's on but no display means check your pci-e graphic chip or on board chip may be spoil . best of luck.

does it shut down on opening a application? can be faulty ram.

try booting the computer with just one ram if there is 2.

else check the SMPS..

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