Successful IC5141USR? on SUSE10.3!

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Jan 26, 2005
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After using SUSE 10.0 for the last 3 years to be able to locally run the CMC design flow: Cadence IC, Synopsys DC, Cadence Encounter, Cadence Spectre, etc., I'm finally able to run everything successfully on SUSE10.3 and I have no idea why it suddenly works.

In the past, I've tried IC5141 on SUSE 10.1 and have received the known dynamic library errors as mentioned on here. I was going to build a CHROOT jail in order to run IC5141 with the required libraries, but tried it without for a lark. All the IC tools have been thoroughly tested and work. The only function not correctly working is the automated documentation for the 90nm/65nm kits we are using, but that isn't a big deal (TCL/TK error) as the documents are still accessible manually when needed.

What works:
- Analog Artist
- NCverilog/VerilogXL
- Design Vision
- Encounter SOC
- Spectre(S)
- DIVA DRC/LVS/Extraction
- Calibre DRC/LVS/Extraction
- StarRC
- PrimeTime

That's all I've tested, but without ANY major headaches, the flow now works in SUSE10.3. It's nice to be using a modern, better supported Linux with the IC tools . USR updates make the software more usable? Did they actually recompile Cadence against libraries newer than 1996?

Note: No LD_ASSUME or _POSIX are needed.

Moral of the story: Just install and go. Use IScape to make your like easier. If you use softload, all the old NCOMPRESS rules (POSIX, LD_ASSUME) apply for the install at least. Damn 'tail'...

suse 10.3 or opensuse 10.3?

What about DRACULA? In SUSE 10.2 amost all Cadence tools are workable except PDRACULA for LVS check, LOGLVS and DRC chek are OK.
For LVS I got an error message: unrecognized symbol gdm_open()

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