System were made to relieve mechanic switcher that is using in effects for music instrument. Element is not invention that can make revolution, it's often applied e.g. by Bosh or Ibanez, it's just another solution of this problem. Electronics is a adaptation of system described in old EdW, with is upgrade for additional integrated circuit and all device is much smaller. There are some IC that solve this problem very easy like Maxim, but they are rare and expensive. System indicates two switcher level ( you can resign from one of them) it work's unfailingly and it's very "elastic" for each adaptation. Description need 74HC4066 system. I used it because only this switcher ( from those easy and cheap) have the smallest resistance with 9V. To have certainty that bone won't give up with 9V, a diode is in series connection with leg 14. Rest of system is such easy that it's no need to describe.