tyanata said:
I have such a question.
If we have simple bias circuit: two NMOS, two PMOS, and rezistor between source of one of the NMOS and ground.
What is better NMOS to be in weak invesrion or in strong?
This depends upon your requirements, as there are trade-offs.
The PMOS almost definitely should be in strong inversion for best matching of current levels and reduced noise contribution. Using a long channel PMOS is good here, as it will push the device farther into strong inversion, improve the output resistance, reduce thermal noise and improve matching.
Since the bias is being used for biasing other circuits, the NMOS region of operation (subthreshold, moderate or strong inversion) could be on the top of the list. If you use a bias in one region of operation and circuits in the other, then the operation would be less consistent in those circuits over changes in operating condition (process, temperature)
If you have a low supply voltage, then you might desire subthreshold operation in the transistors to maintain low vdsat and vgs voltages.
Depending upon the tempco of your resistor, you might get best temperature performance with one region over another, due to changing temperature performance between subthreshold and strong inversion (and changing temperature performance within the strong inversion region)
It is unlikely, but you might even find that your best performance occurs when M2 is in strong inversion and M4 is in weak inversion.