Hi chiragshetty,
I don't understand how a statement that is executed once in 10000 loops affects the loop time.
I think the float-comparison "if (count > 10000.0)" eats up more time than you think.
You might want to check the lst-file with the assembler code to see what the compiler does with your c-code.
The reason why the loop runs faster when you don't include the "PortC = 0x00" statement:
Since there is nothing in that if-block that influences other variables, the compiler probably optimizes the code (omits that whole if-block).
Check the lst-file to find the "if (count > 10000.0)" Assembler-code... it's probably not there.
1) You might want to check whether working with floats can be avoided, usually it's possible to use fixed point operations instead.
2) If you really need to use floats, use a uC with floating point hardware, like the LPC4088, etc...
3) What optimization-level are you running? Setting the optimization on level 2 or 3 can increase the speed dramatically, but you might run into weird compiler-errors like missing switch-statements or the like.
For further explanation, post the lst-files of the two variants if you like.